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Graco Paint Sprayer Accessories and Why You Need Them

We have often talked about the sprayers that have been introduced by the Graco company and we have also always mentioned their amazingness. What we have not talked much about are the accessories that come with them.


These accessories are just as important to know about as it is for you to know about the sprayer. These accessories are actually what make the sprayer work.


In this article, we will talk about some of the Graco paint sprayer accessories and we will also mention why you need to have them with you.


Graco Pressure Roller:


The next accessory that we are going to talk about is the Graco pressure roller. The Graco pressure roller is a long roller that helps you paint easily wherever you want.


This roller is known to be one of the best accessories because it can easily be attached to the spray gun that you are using and you can then paint through it conveniently without the need to have any tools. This roller comes with an Evenflo capability so it will definitely save you from any sort of paint buildup and dripping. This also comes with a very light design that decreases any sort of hand fatigue.


The best thing about these rollers is that you can attach the roller to any kind of airless spray gun. This is also very easy to use because all that you need to do with this sprayer is pull the trigger of the gun and release the paint as much as you want.


Graco Power Paint Sprayers:


When it comes to the accessories that come by the Graco Company we think the Graco power paint sprayers are the most amazing ones.


These power paint sprayers are built inside the hex nut slot that is present on the frame of the sprayer so that you can easily remove the pump without any hassle. What you basically need to do with this is slide the plate that is present on the front and just remove the pump easily.


This comes with a modular design which makes it very easy and fast to repair. Not just that but the durability that it comes with is also exceptional and the piston pump comes with a long-lasting life. It will also deduct the cost that you had to give for it at any repair center. All these reasons why we think this is one of the most important accessories out of all the accessories present.


Graco Extensions: 


The next accessory that we are going to talk about is again one of the best accessories and we think all the painters or the contractors need to have these in their lives.


Now, you must know in the past times when these extensions were not introduced the users had to deal with the irritancy of using ladders and they would just be scared to fall off and get themselves hurt.


Since the extensions by Graco have been introduced the life of users has become really easy. With these extensions, you can easily reach any place that you want to reach. These extensions can easily be attached to the sprayer and can be used. With these extensions, you can paint the high ceilings, decks, soffits, railings, and any other place that you could not reach otherwise.


Graco Replacement Inlet Strainer:


The last accessory that we would like to talk about is the Graco replacement inlet strainer. This is used manually and it is also light in weight and can be used conveniently.


If you are wondering about the function of this sprayer, we will also sort that out for you. This strainer is used to remove all the debris from the sprayer, it prevents any sort of clogging, and it also gives you a finish that is very fine in its quality.


This strainer also helps you in increasing the life of the pump and makes the process of cleaning very easy for you. But for the elongation of pump life, you need to clean the strainer and replace it regularly otherwise it will not work well for you.


Paint Brush:


The first accessory that we are going to talk about is the sash paintbrush which is about two inches in size and is made of copper or polyester material.


This paintbrush comes with bristles that are medium stiff in feel and they are used for rolling and painting purposes. This brush is known to be one of the most versatile brushes and this definitely works the best for you.


This brushes handle is made of hardwood and the best thing about this brush is that it is very easy to use and is also very convenient to handle. If you get this brush for painting purposes then you will definitely be making a great investment.



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